Call for Submissions: Vistek’s CONTACT 2014 Gallery

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Be seen. Get your work out there. Here’s your opportunity to submit your photos to the largest photography event in the world. The CONTACT 2014 photo festival, which runs the entire month of May, attracts an audience of well over 1.8 million and showcases entries at more than 175 galleries throughout the Greater Toronto area.

We’re putting out the official call for submissions — to any and all interested in seeing their work featured in the Vistek Toronto or Vistek Mississauga Contact 2014 Galleries!

Previous CONTACT Photography Festival Gallery exhibitors in Vistek galleries include:

2013 – Heather Saitz
2013 – Douglas Workman
2012 – Jasper Savage
2012 – Jeremy Schruder

If you want to be one of those featured artists, submit up to 20 of your best web-resolution photos to Vistek via email no later than Friday November 15, 2013. Be sure to include your contact info along with an Artist’s Statement* of approximately 100 words.
* (these are the deets required by the good folks at CONTACT)

In addition to your Artist’s Statement we also require the following:

  • Exhibition Proposal: a concise one-page summary of your exhibition concept and content
  • A corresponding list telling us the title and year of production of your work
  • Your C.V. or any other pertinent bio info

Email entries to TODAY!