Saving Eliza


Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. And if you’ve ever doubted that, here’s proof ….

Eliza O’Neill is a happy 4-year-old who, because of a degenerative genetic disease called Sanfilippo syndrome, may not live into her teens. If she doesn’t get the treatment she needs, she will lose the ability to speak within 6 months and suffer irreversible brain damage within a year and a half.

“There is a cure, but without funding it won’t be ready in time to save her.”

Those words stirred Benjamin Von Wong into action. Spearheading the fundraiser that has already collected 300K, Benjamin has successfully mobilized a force of talented photographers from around the world, who have donated their works of art for sale. All money collected will go towards a cure for Eliza. Enough money it will happen.

saving Elizasaving Eliza

It’s been said, “A photograph is never taken– it is always given.” And in this case, it may give a young girl a chance at life.

You can find out a lot more about the project on the website by clicking here, but the general gist is as follows:

If you love phenomenal photography, this is your chance to buy prints from some of the best in the business, and know that your money is going to a worthy cause.

If you take phenomenal photography, you can pledge to sell $1,000 worth of a print to help Saving Eliza. Once that print sells out, you’ll go on a special success wall and have the opportunity to submit another and start all over again.

Follow Eliza and her family on Facebook , donate to help save Eliza’s life on GoFundMe and buy prints from SmugMug

UPDATE: This campaign is really picking up steam, since the time of our original post it’s been featured on and donations are just about to break the 500K mark, already half way to goal!