In real estate, the mantra “location, location, location” is used to drive home the fact that a property’s location is the greatest determining factor of its value…
In the photography & video world, the location might not be the greatest determining value in capturing an amazing shot, but often finding the right one can be an essential step in your photo shoot plans., location scouting made easy…
Enter, a free community-based location scouting platform, designed for photographers to find and share photography locations around the world.
I found out about Scoutt after meeting founder Aron Goss at a recent networking event at Breather Toronto. To say that Aron is excited about the project would be an understatement, and after talking to him at length about it, I’m pretty stoked about it as well!
Photographers around the world struggle to find new locations to shoot their next assignment, whether locally or abroad. Location scouting is a time-consuming practice and can often lead to less than ideal results. Scoutt connects photographers from all over the world and highlights locations, neighbourhoods and venues.
Interactive Map

When users log into their account, the first thing they are presented with is Scoutt’s interactive map.
The map allows photographers to add photos & locations, and/or find interesting locations that have been previously used by other members.
Scoutt says that their userbase is currently at around 10,000 people in over 150 countries, meaning their users have thousands of locations to preview and photographers to connect with.
Have an Assignment in a new city or country and are looking for the perfect location?
Easy! Just type in the destination and a few keywords and you’ll be able to quickly see the images that photographers have posted about it.
It’s also perfect for finding locations that are local to you.
How it works
Since this is a location based system, every photo that is uploaded is tied to an exact location as shown in the video below.

Extra Exposure
As photographers, we want as many people to see our images as possible and Scoutt knows this.
So when you add your images to the map, they are automatically linked to your profile.
Also, when people view your image on the map, they will see an SEO friendly backlink to your website as well a direct link to your Scoutt profile giving them the option to view your portfolio of uploaded images or other work not listed on Scoutt.
As of right now, Scoutt is being offered as a completely free service for photographers although, there are plans to add additional subscription-based premium features at a later date. It’s also only available as a desktop-based service, but they assure us that a mobile app in development.